
miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2018

St. Sabbas - San Sabas

December 5
Saint Sabbas, Patriarchal Abbot in Palestine (439-531)

St. Sabbas, one of the most renowned patriarchs of the monks of Palestine, was born in the year 439, near Caesarea. At the age of fifteen, in the absence of his parents, he suffered under the conduct of an uncle, and weary of the world's problems decided to forsake the world and enter a monastery not far from his family home. After he had spent ten years in religious life, his two uncles and his parents attempted to persuade him to leave the monastery to which he had migrated in Palestine. He replied: Do you want me to be a deserter, leaving God after placing myself in His service? If those who abandon the militia of earthly kings are severely punished, what chastisement would I not deserve if I abandoned that of the King of heaven?

When he was thirty years old, desiring greater solitude, he began to live an angelic life so far above nature that he seemed no longer to have a body. The young sage, as he was called by St. Euthymius, Abbot of a nearby monastery, dwelt in a cavern on a mountain near Jerusalem, where he prayed, sang Psalms and wove baskets of palm branches. He was forty-five years old when he began to direct those who came to live as hermits, as he did, and he gave each of them a place to build a cell; soon this was the largest monastery of Palestine. He left the region when certain agitators complained of him, for he considered himself incapable of maintaining good discipline. The Patriarch of Jerusalem, Sallustus, did not easily credit the complaints, and instead ordained Sabbas a priest, that he might say Mass for his disciples — for they had been displeased by his lack of desire for that honor. He was at that time fifty-three years old. The Patriarch presented him to them as their father, whom they should obey and honor, and made him Superior of all the Palestine monasteries. But several monks remained obstinate, and St. Sabbas again went elsewhere, to a cavern near Scythopolis.

As the years passed, he was in charge of seven monasteries; but his influence was not limited to Palestine. The heresies afflicting religion were being sustained by the emperor of Constantinople, who had exiled the Catholic Patriarch of that city, Elias. St. Sabbas converted the one who had replaced Elias, and wrote to the emperor that he should cease to persecute the Church of Jerusalem, and to impose taxes on the cities of Palestine which they were unable to pay. In effect, the people were reduced to extreme misery. The emperor died soon afterwards, and the pious Justin replaced him. Justin restored the true faith by an edict and recalled the exiles, re-establishing the exiled prelates in their sees.

When St. Sabbas was ninety-one years old, he made the long journey to Constantinople to ask Justinian, successor to Justin, not to act with severity against the province of Palestine, where a revolt had occurred by the non-submission of a group of Samaritans. The emperor honored him highly and wished to endow his monasteries with wealth, but the holy Patriarch asked him to use the riches he was offering to build a hospice for pilgrims in Jerusalem, to decorate the unfinished Church of the Blessed Virgin, to build a fortress where the monks could take refuge when barbarians invaded the land, and finally, to re-establish preaching of the true Faith, by edicts proscribing the various errors being propagated. The holy Abbot lived to be ninety-two years old, and died in 531, in the arms of the monks of his first monastery.



5 de diciembre
San Sabas, Abad (439-531)

Sabas es el fundador de la llamada Grande Laura al lado del valle de Cedrón, a las puertas de Jerusalén. Había nacido en Mutalasca, cerca de Cesarea de Capadocia, en el 439, y después de haber pasado algún tiempo en el monasterio de su pueblo, en el 457 pasó al de Jerusalén fundado por Pasarión, pero éste no satisfizo sus aspiraciones. Y al contrario de muchos monjes que abandonaban su convento para correr a las grandes ciudades a llevar una vida poco edificante, Sabas, deseoso de soledad, durante una permanencia en Alejandría pidió y obtuvo el permiso para retirarse a una gruta, con el compromiso de regresar todos los sábados y domingos a hacer vida común en el monasterio.

Cinco años después, de regreso a Jerusalén, fijó su domicilio en el valle de Cedrón, en una gruta solitaria, a donde entraba por una pequeña escalera hecha con lazos. Según parece, esa escalera reveló su escondite a otros monjes deseosos como él de soledad, y en poco tiempo, como en un gran panal, esas grutas inhóspitas en la pared rocosa se poblaron de solitarios pero no ociosos habitantes.

Así nació la Grande Laura, esto es, uno de los más originales monasterios de la antigüedad cristiana. Sabas, con mucha paciencia y al mismo tiempo con indiscutible autoridad, gobernó ese creciente ejército de ermitaños organizándolos según las reglas de vida eremítica ya establecidas un siglo antes por San Pacomio. Para que la guía del santo abad tuviera un punto de referencia en la autoridad del obispo, el patriarca de Jerusalén lo ordenó sacerdote en el 491. Sabas, a pesar de su predilección por el total aislamiento del mundo, no rehuyó sus compromisos sacerdotales. Fundó otros monasterios, entre ellos uno en Emaús, y tomó parte activa en la lucha contra la herejía de los monofisistas, llegando al punto de movilizar a todos sus monjes en una expedición para oponerse a la toma de posesión de un obispo hereje, enviado a Jerusalén por el emperador Anastasio.

Ante el emperador de Constantinopla, San Sabas puso en escena una representación de mímicas para demostrar con la evidencia de las imágenes coreográficas la triste condición del pueblo palestino agobiado por pesados impuestos y uno en particular, correspondiente al IVA, que perjudicaba a todos los comerciantes, pero sobre todo al pueblo. Cuando murió, el 5 de Diciembre del 532, toda la región quiso honrarlo con espléndidos funerales. En Roma, en el siglo VII, por obra de los monjes griegos surgieron sobre el monte Aventino un monasterio y una basílica dedicados a él y que le dan el nombre a todo el barrio.

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